Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Self Symbol GIF reflection

1) My self symbol concept is to create a gif that gives a feeling of confusion and possibly humor. I came to the idea of making an alien head explode when I realized it would fit with my first sketch project that featured an alien hand, it also fits the alien theme of my blog. My concept is enhanced by the strange speed and colors of the image, its a gif that you have to watch more than once to really take in, you may even laugh. 2) 3) The original thumbnail sketch just featured a planet exploding which seemed too grim and not bizarre enough to fit what I was going for. The post it explosion animation still lacked the strange factor but did not feature a planet exploding and instead blank space into an explosion. I decided to go with an alien head because I found it the most bizarre way to show an explosion, it also fit my blogs tone very well.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Portrait Transformation Reflection Project

1) I am giving a stylized blurred look to my cat in a subway car with a ball being held by a hand in the front of the image. The cat will be the most stylized while the subway car is given a more greenish filter. My hand will feel surreal and out of place by being randomly placed in the car holding a red ball. 2) The cat in the car ft handboi n ball 3) I am very happy with the results of this project, I used every single aspect asked of me by the rubric while making a simplistic and silly picture thats right at home with my style of image edits. I am especially happy with how natural the hands placement is in such a strange image. 4) Here are 2 of the originals photos I changed: 5) When I placed my cat in the image I realized how unnatural in looked even with its color adjusted subtly to fit the green tint of the train. I decided to change this by selecting my blur tool. I set the tool to the correct size to fit right over my cat, then set hardness to max and made sure I had selected the correct layer that my cat was on, I then took the tool and started to draw over my cat causing it to blur giving it a proper sense of depth. I was very happy with this easy blur process.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Art project reflection

1) The processes I took for this project was testing many objects shaped in the form of G. The two that rung with me the most were the G made out of gold-bars and a hand in the shape of a G. I went with the hand because it looked the most nuanced yet simplistic design. At first I was doing a normal human hand when I realized that the hand was far too long and then I changed it into a alien hand to explain the bizarre proportions. This processes made the project a smooth experience that left me very pleased with my final product. I did not receive much peer feedback aside from a recommendation that my hand should have more vibrant colors which was very helpful. 2) 1. I created a mix of greens to create a very inhuman color that will be striking to those who look at the picture. 2. I added small face's on the fingers and a spaceship above the hand to push the alien theme even further. 3) The hardest aspect of the project was coloring for me. I would always have trouble striking the right balance of shading and color grading. The coloring processes took up at least a good 4 days of the project and proved itself to be the most challenging part of the entire assignment. 4) Yes I am very satisfied with my project. I feel it gets across an alien and goofy feeling very well while having striking colors and my sense of humor packed into it. 5) The one thing I might change about my final design is its sense of depth, while the hand looks very vibrant and striking it still feels very flat and 2D. There is minimal dimension. Final:

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Summer pic 3

During my summer break I spent a large sum of time recording and editing video projects for my own personal enjoyment. Not only did my skill as an editor improve but I also learned more about recording video and timing.

Summer pic 2

I would ride my bike for at least an hour a day during my summer break. My leg strength increased from this activity and I began to feel more active. My cardio got helped as well.

Summer pic 1

During summer 2015 I did an internship in retail. Earning actual money for my hard work was a very rewarding experience that made me want to continue to move forward with work and internship opportunists.

Who I am

I am senior in High school living in NYC at 18 years old. This is a graphic design blog that may tell you a little bit more about me based on what I post. I enjoy creative work such as graphic design.